

Planet order: 1 from the sun.
Distance from the sun: 108.2 millions of km.
Mass: 4.868 x 1024 kg.    Diameter: 12,104 km.
Rotation: 243days.           Revolution: 224,7days.
# of Moons 0.
Terrestrial  Jovian
Planet Description:
*The Venus similar to Earth in size and mass.
*The atmosphere made mostly of carbon dioxide.
*Venus is the 2nd planet from the sun.
*droplets of sulfuric acid in atmosphere give cloud a yellowish color.
2 Interesting Facts:
*Venus is the second plant from the sun and the sixth largest.
*The atmospheric pressure at the surface of Venus is 92 times that of the Earth.


Hurricane Irene project

1.What is a hurricane?
Hurricane is a type cyclone and typhoon.
2.What is a high tide and what causes it?
The high tide is hurricane make a lot flooding,swirling and eye,to causes strong wind and typhoon.
3.What does saturation (zone) mean?
The area that is filled with water is called the saturation zone.
4.What is flooding and why is it dangerous?
Flooding is a situation in which an area of land becomes covered with water.It is dangerous because the flooding will causes heavy rains,ocean waves come onshore and the clean drinking water will became very dirty.

1.What is something that you liked about this Mini-project?
I like this Mini-project about how did happen after hurricane.
2.What was difficult for you on this project?
I think this project is difficult i don't understand question,something i don't know how to answer the question.
3.What would you change about your work on the this project?
I would change about Groundwater on this project.
4.How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
I learn about Hurricane Irene inside things what will cause to hurricane,how it's happened for hurricane.