
Geologic Time-Mississippian period

The Mississippian time period lasted from 360 to 325 million years ago, a time span of 35 million years.
The Mississippian is a period in the geologic timescale or a system of the geologic record. Mississippian is long term the first time in the late 19th century, used to describe the sequence of rock, all over the place Mississippi.

1. What did you enjoy most about this project?
I was enjoy this project about the something long times ago fossil and rocks.

2. What was most challenging about this project? Why?
I think the most challenging this about the Mississippian how to description,because I can not find the information about Mississippian period.

3. What you change about this project and why?
I think I will change Cambrian period because may be have more information to easy to find.

4. What are 3 things that you learned from this project?
  • I learned something long time years ago about the fossils and rock.
  • I learned about what is the Mississippian in when did Mississippian period.
  • I learned something about the Mississippian events something what happen, for example mountains does not has plants covering them.

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